Research and Development


Research and Development (R&D) is a concept-driven design studio based in Stockholm founded 2002 by Daniel Olsson, Robert Olzon (until 2007) and Jonas Topooco.

Based on a deep cultural engagement, the studio is a creative partner for artists, architects and cultural institutions. All projects are a result of a collective decision-making process, where the conditions are set up collectively by the client, producer and ourselves. We strive to emphasize meaning over appearance and to consider the problem as a solution. By default, we embrace an aesthetic of necessity.

“Research and Development are not lazy yet avoid doing very much. Like a well educated person who can say a great deal without saying very much, they employ an economy of means. A straight line drawn freehand using a pencil with a sharp point, a definite solution, fixed with purpose and precision, very specific. There are many reds and many tones of gray, they always select the exact right one. This is subjective, but results resonate with a purposeful authoritative objectiveness that leaves the viewer in no doubt they made the right choice.” — Daniel Eatock in ‘Book’ published by Eastside Projects, Birmingham

Contact and address Bjurholmsgatan 3A, SE-116 38 Stockholm + 46 70 727 61 23 — Daniel Olsson + 46 70 456 15 69 — Jonas Topooco Past and present assistants Adam Arinbjarnarson, Oscar Hagberg, Eliot Axelsson, Ivan Gedin, Shan Zhou, Gustaf Montelius, Ludvig Östman, Erik Kirtley, William Hesseldahl, Maximillian George, Paul Niño, Andréas Bengtsson, Michael Laning, William Hagströmer, Tobias Lund, Adam Nyström, Kristoffer Larberg, Johan Reimers, Alexander Gustafsson, Danny Jian Li, Kumi Hiroi, Hanna Nilsson If we're not right for the job, don't hesitate to contact the talents above. Web development: New Management Visual research and archiving: Shan Zhou Photo by Jenny Källman Contact Instagram